WE EXIST TO GIVE ...children the opportunity to explore faith and values.

What is Christian RI?

Christian RI is the time set aside in Years 1-12 in state schools where parents/carers can consent for their children to be educated in the Christian faith. Your child will only be placed in Christian RI if you give your consent. Christian RI is provided by Chrisitian churches and groups in many schools across Queensland. To find out what is available at your school please refer to the school website.

The Queensland Education (General Provisions) Act (2006) allows accredited representatives of recognised faith groups to make this contribution as part of a holistic approach to education. Christian RI is one way of promoting the spiritual development and wellbeing of young Australians. 

Christian RI lessons are usually conducted for up to 30 minutes on a weekly basis throughout the school year.

Christian RI is one way of promoting the spiritual development and wellbeing of young Australians.

Why choose Christian RI?

According to a recent national survey by McCrindle Research, 99% of Australian parents think that it is important to teach values to Australian school students. 84% believe that Australia’s Christian heritage has been influential in shaping those values.

Many parents choose Christian RI for their children, even if they don’t regularly attend Church, in order to give their children the opportunity to question, explore and discover faith and values for themselves as part of a holistic education.

Christian RI provides a safe environment for children to  develop a positive self-image, identity and resilience. It gives young people an opportunity to form their understanding of the morals and values from the teachings of Jesus.

Key benefits

A recent Australian study by Prof Zehavit Gross, UNESCO Chair in Education for Human Values, Tolerance and Peace, Bar-Ilan University Israel and Prof Emerita Suzanne Rutland OAM, University of Sydney has found that RI has key benefits including:

  • Offers important psychological benefits to students’ mental health and wellbeing
  • Strengthens the multi-cultural fabric of Australian schools.
  • Introduces an effective values education that empowers student decision making, fosters student action, and encourages student responsibility
  • Creates safe places for students to explore deeper questions of faith and belief

How do I select Christian RI?

RI is offered from Year 1 onwards and you can choose RI when you first enrol (including for Prep year):

  • When you first enrol at your local school by nominating “Yes” on the enrolment form for
    your child to participate. You then nominate Christian RI so your child is placed, if it is
    available at the school.*
  • Any time via a written instruction to your school Principal.

* See your school’s website under the co-curricular or extra-curricular tab for the RI options available at your
school. If Christian RI isn’t listed, still consent your child into Christian RI to show support for the program.


Asking questions is the key to learning.

Students are encouraged to ask questions about the Christian faith and its relevance to life. Questions begin the journey to knowledge and understanding.


Exploration brings deeper comprehension.

Students are encouraged to explore questions of faith, life and values in relation to their own personal beliefs and the broader worldviews found in society today, and in the past. Exploration promotes learning that is relevant.


Discovery leads to meaningful conclusions.

When students draw their own conclusions about the Christian faith and it’s values they can make decisions about life and how it should be lived. Discovery is when questions and exploration come alive.

Need More Info?

You can download our Christian RI brochure below or email us at info@christianri.org.au


    © 2024 Alliance of Christian Religious Education Limited