
Alliance for Religious Education Vision

We exist to give every young person in Qld state schools the opportunity to explore, question, and discover faith and values through the teachings of Jesus.

The Alliance for Christian Religious Education aims to achieve the following outcomes:

    1. The availability of Christian RI during curriculum time for very child and young person in Years 1-12 in Queensland state schools who have been opted-in by their parents.
    2. The freedom for parents to choose Christian RI for their kids in state schools during curriculum time is valued and respected.
    3. That Christian RI lessons and Bible stories are recognised for teaching good morals and values in a safe and supportive environment that will make for a better society.

About Christian RI

Christian Religious Instruction (RI) is about delivering Christian religious education in Queensland state schools that teaches children to question, explore and discover the Christian faith.

Christian RI begins with the understanding that we were created by a loving God, who calls us to fullness of life. Children are encouraged to see themselves as God sees them, full of gifts and potential to be a force for immense goodness in our world. As such, Christian RI contributes to positive self-image, identity and resilience, forming young people in their understanding of the morals and values from the teaching of Jesus.

The Christian RI approach is to provide religious education for students that:

    • encourages them to ask QUESTIONS about the Christian faith and its relevance to life;
    • enables them to EXPLORE their own personal beliefs and the broader worldviews in our society; and
    • helps them DISCOVER their own conclusions about faith, values and Christianity. 

About the Alliance of Christian Religious Education

The Alliance of Christian Religious Education (ACRE) is the leading organization for Christian Religious Instruction (RI) in Queensland State Schools. ACRE serves as the strategic advisor on all Christian RI matters, effectively positioning RI with all stakeholders. This includes the Christian church, parents/carers, RI grassroots leaders, volunteers, networks, the RI sector Multi-Faiths Network, other faiths, the Department of Education, Government Ministers, political parties, and the broader Queensland community.

ACRE comprises members from various Christian denominations and independent churches. It also collaborates closely with allied RI legal entities, networks, and groups.

Established in June 2019, ACRE was formed from a collective commitment by the Queensland Heads of Churches.

Participating faith groups

Local Christian Churches come together to offer Christian RI on a cooperative and non-denominational basis. These local Churches may, amongst others, include Anglican, Australian Christian Churches, Baptist, Catholic, Churches of Christ, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Salvation Army and Uniting Churches.

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